

-23 查询95033班和95031班全体学生的记录

在条件为多个的时候用 in
单个条件可以用 =
mysql> select * from student where class in(‘95031’,’95033’);

| sname | no | sex | birthday | class |
| 曾华 | 101 | 男 | 1977-09-01 | 95033 |
| 匡明 | 102 | 男 | 1975-10-02 | 95031 |
| 王丽 | 103 | 女 | 1976-01-23 | 95033 |
| 李军 | 104 | 男 | 1976-02-20 | 95033 |
| 王芳 | 105 | 女 | 1975-02-10 | 95031 |
| 陆军 | 106 | 男 | 1974-06-03 | 95031 |
| 王尼玛 | 107 | 男 | 1976-02-20 | 95033 |
| 张全蛋 | 108 | 男 | 1975-02-10 | 95031 |
| 赵铁柱 | 109 | 男 | 1974-06-03 | 95031 |


mysql> select c_no,degree from score where degree >85;
| c_no | degree |
| 3-105 | 90 |
| 3-105 | 92 |
| 3-245 | 86 |
| 3-105 | 89 |
| 3-105 | 88 |


select * from teacher where department=’计算机系’;
| no | name | sex | birthday | profession | department |
| 804 | 李诚 | 男 | 1958-12-02 | 副教授 | 计算机系 |
| 825 | 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 | 助教 | 计算机系 |

select * from course where t_no in(select no from teacher where department=’计算机系’);
| no | name | t_no |
| 3-245 | 操作系统 | 804 |
| 3-105 | 计算机导论 | 825 |


select * from score where c_no in(select no from course where t_no in(select no from teacher where department=’计算机系’));

| s_no | c_no | degree |
| 103 | 3-245 | 86 |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
| 101 | 3-105 | 90 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 81 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |

-26.查询“计算机系”与“电子工程系”不同职称的教师的名字 name

–not in


mysql> select * from teacher;
| no | name | sex | birthday | profession | department |
| 804 | 李诚 | 男 | 1958-12-02 | 副教授 | 计算机系 |
| 825 | 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 | 助教 | 计算机系 |
| 831 | 刘冰 | 女 | 1977-08-14 | 助教 | 电子工程系 |
| 856 | 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 | 讲师 | 电子工程系 |
找到计算机系和电子工程系中 职称不重复的教师名字

这里计算机系和电子工程系 重合部分是助教,计算机系非助教的集合+电子工程系非助教的集合

select * from teacher where department =’计算机系’ and profession not in(select
profession from teacher where department=’电子工程系’);
| no | name | sex | birthday | profession | department |
| 804 | 李诚 | 男 | 1958-12-02 | 副教授 | 计算机系 |
select * from teacher where department =’电子工程系’ and profession not in(select
profession from teacher where department=’计算机系’);
| no | name | sex | birthday | profession | department |
| 856 | 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 | 讲师 | 电子工程系 |

//分号代表语句结束 只能末尾有哦

select * from teacher where department =’计算机系’ and profession not in(select
profession from teacher where department=’电子工程系’)
select * from teacher where department =’电子工程系’ and profession not in(select
profession from teacher where department=’计算机系’);

| no | name | sex | birthday | profession | department |
| 804 | 李诚 | 男 | 1958-12-02 | 副教授 | 计算机系 |
| 856 | 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 | 讲师 | 电子工程系 |



select * from score where c_no=’3-105’ and degree>any(select degree from score where c_no=’3-245’);

| s_no | c_no | degree |
| 101 | 3-105 | 90 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 81 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |

select * from score where c_no=’3-105’ and degree>any(select degree from score where c_no=’3-245’) order by degree desc;
| s_no | c_no | degree |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 101 | 3-105 | 90 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 81 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |


–且? all表示所有的关系

select * from score where c_no=’3-105’ and degree>all(select degree from score where c_no=’3-245’);

| s_no | c_no | degree |
| 101 | 3-105 | 90 |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 105 | 3-105 | 88 |


先看数据 在我进行操作之后name和sname都变成了name
select name ,sex,birthday from teacher
select sname ,sex,birthday from student;
| name | sex | birthday |
| 李诚 | 男 | 1958-12-02 |
| 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 |
| 刘冰 | 女 | 1977-08-14 |
| 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 |
| 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 |
| 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 |
| 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 |
| 李军 | 男 | 1976-02-20 |
| 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-10 |
| 陆军 | 男 | 1974-06-03 |
| 王尼玛 | 男 | 1976-02-20 |
| 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-10 |
| 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 |
| 张飞 | 男 | 1974-06-03 |

select sname as trueename,sex,birthday from student
select name,sex,birthday from teacher;

| trueename | sex | birthday |
| 曾华 | 男 | 1977-09-01 |
| 匡明 | 男 | 1975-10-02 |
| 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 |
| 李军 | 男 | 1976-02-20 |
| 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-10 |
| 陆军 | 男 | 1974-06-03 |
| 王尼玛 | 男 | 1976-02-20 |
| 张全蛋 | 男 | 1975-02-10 |
| 赵铁柱 | 男 | 1974-06-03 |
| 张飞 | 男 | 1974-06-03 |
| 李诚 | 男 | 1958-12-02 |
| 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 |
| 刘冰 | 女 | 1977-08-14 |
| 张旭 | 男 | 1969-03-12 |


我最开始输入的信息都是name,sex,birthday 其实不需要改变,这里换个大写
select name as Name,sex as Sex,birthday as Birthday from teacher where sex=’女’
select sname,sex,birthday from student where sex=’女’;

| Name | Sex | Birthday |
| 王萍 | 女 | 1972-05-05 |
| 刘冰 | 女 | 1977-08-14 |
| 王丽 | 女 | 1976-01-23 |
| 王芳 | 女 | 1975-02-10 |



mysql> select avg(degree) from score group by c_no;
| avg(degree) |
| 86.0000 |
| 76.3333 |
| 81.6667 |

//???为什么不用和之前一样的方法 where条件语句+group by 分类比较呢???//

mysql> select * from score where degree<(select avg(degree) from score a group
by c_no);
ERROR 1242 (21000): Subquery returns more than 1 row
这里erro的意思大概是 子查询返回多行
用group by无法知道应该谁和谁比较

//score a 和score b都是指向score表,数据相同 。不信的话动手实践
select * from score a;
select * from score b;
这里用where a.c_no=b.c_no去相同课程一一对应比较//
select * from score a where degree<(select avg(degree) from score b where a.c_no=b.c_no);

| s_no | c_no | degree |
| 102 | 3-105 | 81 |
| 105 | 3-245 | 75 |
| 105 | 6-166 | 79 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |
| 109 | 3-245 | 68 |
| 109 | 6-166 | 81 |


select name ,department from teacher where no in(select t_no from course);
| name | department |
| 李诚 | 计算机系 |
| 王萍 | 计算机系 |
| 刘冰 | 电子工程系 |
| 张旭 | 电子工程系 |


select class from student where sex=’男’ group by class having count(*)>1;
| class |
| 95033 |
| 95031 |


//like ‘…..%’ 模糊查询
select * from student where sname not like ‘王%’;
| sname | no | sex | birthday | class |
| 曾华 | 101 | 男 | 1977-09-01 | 95033 |
| 匡明 | 102 | 男 | 1975-10-02 | 95031 |
| 李军 | 104 | 男 | 1976-02-20 | 95033 |
| 陆军 | 106 | 男 | 1974-06-03 | 95031 |
| 张全蛋 | 108 | 男 | 1975-02-10 | 95031 |
| 赵铁柱 | 109 | 男 | 1974-06-03 | 95031 |
| 张飞 | 110 | 男 | 1974-06-03 | 95038 |



select year(now());
| year(now()) |
| 2021 |

select year(birthday) from student;
| year(birthday) |
| 1977 |
| 1975 |
| 1976 |
| 1976 |
| 1975 |
| 1974 |
| 1976 |
| 1975 |
| 1974 |
| 1974 |


select sname,year(now())-year(birthday) as ‘年龄’ from student;
| sname | 年龄 |
| 曾华 | 44 |
| 匡明 | 46 |
| 王丽 | 45 |
| 李军 | 45 |
| 王芳 | 46 |
| 陆军 | 47 |
| 王尼玛 | 45 |
| 张全蛋 | 46 |
| 赵铁柱 | 47 |
| 张飞 | 47 |


select max(birthday) as ‘最大’,min(birthday) as ‘最小’ from student;
| 最大 | 最小 |
| 1977-09-01 | 1974-06-03 |


select * from student order by class desc,birthday asc;
| sname | no | sex | birthday | class |
| 张飞 | 110 | 男 | 1974-06-03 | 95038 |
| 王丽 | 103 | 女 | 1976-01-23 | 95033 |
| 李军 | 104 | 男 | 1976-02-20 | 95033 |
| 王尼玛 | 107 | 男 | 1976-02-20 | 95033 |
| 曾华 | 101 | 男 | 1977-09-01 | 95033 |
| 陆军 | 106 | 男 | 1974-06-03 | 95031 |
| 赵铁柱 | 109 | 男 | 1974-06-03 | 95031 |
| 王芳 | 105 | 女 | 1975-02-10 | 95031 |
| 张全蛋 | 108 | 男 | 1975-02-10 | 95031 |
| 匡明 | 102 | 男 | 1975-10-02 | 95031 |


select * from course where t_no in(select no from teacher where sex=’男’);
| no | name | t_no |
| 3-245 | 操作系统 | 804 |
| 6-166 | 数字电路 | 856 |


select * from score where degree=(select max(degree) from score);
//这里用的where =
但是如果两个同学并列最高分的时候还是用where in 比较严谨
| s_no | c_no | degree |
| 103 | 3-105 | 92 |


select sname from student where sex=(select sex from student where sname=’李军’);
| sname |
| 曾华 |
| 匡明 |
| 李军 |
| 陆军 |
| 王尼玛 |
| 张全蛋 |
| 赵铁柱 |
| 张飞 |


select sname from student where sex=(select sex from student where sname=’李军’)
class=(select class from student where sname=’李军’);

| sname |
| 曾华 |
| 李军 |
| 王尼玛 |


select * from score where c_no=(select no from course where name=’计算机导论’)
s_no in (select no from student where sex=’男’);

| s_no | c_no | degree |
| 101 | 3-105 | 90 |
| 102 | 3-105 | 81 |
| 104 | 3-105 | 89 |
| 109 | 3-105 | 76 |


create table grade(
low int(3),
upp int (3),
grade char(1)

insert into grade values(90,100,’A’);
insert into grade values(80,89,’B’);
insert into grade values(70,79,’C’);
insert into grade values(60,69,’D’);

select s_no,c_no,grade from score,grade where degree between low and upp;

| s_no | c_no | grade |
| 101 | 3-105 | A |
| 102 | 3-105 | B |
| 103 | 3-105 | A |
| 103 | 3-245 | B |
| 103 | 6-166 | B |
| 104 | 3-105 | B |
| 105 | 3-105 | B |
| 105 | 3-245 | C |
| 105 | 6-166 | C |
| 109 | 3-105 | C |
| 109 | 3-245 | D |
| 109 | 6-166 | B |


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